ANZ EFTPOS card error 01

We have round-the-clock credit card security provided by ANZ Falcon™ to help protect your credit card. If we identify any transactions as possibly suspect or unusual, we’ll try to get in touch with you to make sure it’s actually one of your transactions.

If we can’t get hold of you, we might make a decision to block the account until you can confirm the transaction. This means your credit or debit card could be declined by a merchant overseas when you know that there are funds available because ANZ Falcon has detected overseas transactions which are not consistent with the normal pattern on your account. That’s why it’s important to let us know that you are travelling overseas before you depart by callingIf you suffer a loss as a result of a fraudulent transaction on your ANZ credit card, we’ll credit your account with the amount of the loss, as long as you:

    didn’t contribute to the loss

    notified us promptly of the fraud.

If you notice any unusual transactions on your account, please contact us immediately by callingOur credit cards have embedded security microchips that make it more difficult for credit card details to be fraudulently copied. When a chip card is used at the point of sale, the transaction message sent by the chip card to authorise the transaction does not contain any data that can be used to counterfeit a chip or conduct an unauthorised chip transaction reusing the data from a previous transaction.

Verified by Visa and MasterCard® SecureCode™

If you’re shopping online, these free services give you extra protection against unauthorised use of your card at participating online merchants. Then you just have to follow the instructions!

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