Vend POS PrestaShop

PrestaShop is a free, open source e-commerce solution. It supports payment gateways such as Google Checkout, Authorize.Net, Skrill, PayPal and PayPal Payments Pro (Direct) via their respective APIs. Further payment modules are offered commercially.

PrestaShop is the most reliable and flexible Open-source e-commerce software. Since 2007, PrestaShop has revolutionized the industry by providing features that engage shoppers and increase online sales. The PrestaTeam consists of over 70 passionate individuals and more than 500, 000 community members dedicated to innovated technology.

Front-Office Features:

Featured products (Top sellers, New items..) on the homepage

Build-in product-image zoom

Customer subscription and user accounts

Unlimited payment methods

Google Checkout module ready to be activated

RSS feeds

Back-Office Features:

Full-featured WYSIWYG text editor

Unlimited categories and subcategories

Different currency settings and tax settings

Vend POS portal

Vend POS refund

EFTPOS Westfield

Vend POS WooCommerce

Vend POS Square

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