Square Register POS reviews

Product & Service Complaints 542
Billing & Collection Complaints 269
Advertising & Sales Complaints 463
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 34
Delivery Complaints 63
As of this update, the Better Business Bureau is reporting an “A+” rating for Square despite 1, 371 complaints filed in the last 36 months. This complaint total is up from the company’s total at the time of our last update (1, 185), which may indicate that Square’s BBB complaint total could increase further. The number is up from 812 complaints as of our January 2014 update and 603 complaints as of our July 2016 update, and has skyrocketed from just a few dozen complaints since we first published this review in April of 2011. Surprisingly, the BBB has also raised Square’s grade from a “B+” in July of 2016 to an “A+” despite the rising complaint volume.Of the complaint total, 542 are regarding problems with service, 269 with billing and collection disputes, 63 with delivery problems, 463 with advertising and sales issues, and 34 due to a guarantee or warranty issue. The BBB has also added a note stating that it has received many complaints regarding Square’s fund withholding procedure. Square has responded by quoting its Terms of Use policies and referring to the help section of its website. The company has successfully resolved 194 complaints, while the remaining 1, 177 either were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the merchant or did not receive a final assessment from the merchant.

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