Shopify POS customer loyalty

Last edited 5 months ago

we are also still looking for a loyalty scheme. we do a tiny amount of sales online 99.9% are in our bricks and mortar store.

We need an app that works on both but primarily on the shopify POS. so we can offer awards, loyalty card scheme in store that customers can sign up to bring in a card, passbook or have a member number they can use and if entered at the till can either award or redeem thier points.

We looked at loyalty lion, very nice folks, but it would take in to account every sale in store and every online sale and is financialy for a small store like us unaffordable. we would be paying £400 a month as it would take in to account all our sales whether a loyalty card was used or not. We need one that only charges when a sale is made that uses the app ( points added or taken away) not every order / sale per rmonth.

so, whats the news? is there anything out there? i will go look at the vend option a few folks have mentioned.

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