Shopify POS alternative

Bridged mode

This configuration uses:

  • a modem
  • a third-party router
  • an Apple Airport.

The modem is hard-wired to the third-party router, and the router connects wirelessly to the AirPort, as shown:

Pos bridged mode fixed

Known issues

This configuration is known to drop connections intermittently.


Very few third-party routers can extend the range of the Apple Airport.

Third-party router with modem
  • a receipt printer.

All three are hard-wired in series, as shown:

Known issues

Many consumer-grade routers are not designed to be used in this configuration, so the router may not communicate with the printer properly.

Third-party router with Apple AirPort
  • an AirPort WiFi extender.
Known issues

To ensure satisfactory network communications, you should remove the third-party router. Your configuration will then be supported by Shopify.

Shopify POS rates

ShopKeep POS Android

Shopify POS PC

Shopify POS log

Shopify POS on desktop

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