Nottingham Post Indian Restaurant of the year 2016

One of Nottinghamshire's Indian restaurants has been crowned the best in the East Midlands at the English Curry Awards – and it's the second time they've scooped the prize.

Lime Restaurant in Nuthall, which also won in 2016, beat stiff competition from six other finalists to receive the accolade at a black-tie ceremony in Manchester.

Other Notts finalists were Anoki in the city centre and Gurkha One in Rolleston, both also shortlisted in the best Indian category of the Nottingham Post's Food and Drink Awards 2016.

Lime, which is entering its eighth year in business, has been recommended in the prestigious Michelin Guide for the last three years.

Owners Shahid and Smaira Rana (pictured) accepted the award. Shahid said: "We have gone from strength to strength over the past few years and are honoured to find ourselves in the company of big players for such a sought after award.

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