Washington Post restaurant reviews Alexandria VA

Tom Sietsema has been the Washington Post food critic since 2000. In leaner years, he worked for the Microsoft Corporation, where he launched sidewalk.com; the Seattle Post-Intelligencer; the San Francisco Chronicle; and the Milwaukee Journal. A graduate of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, he has also written for Food & Wine, Gourmet, GQ, Travel & Leisure and other national publications. In 2016, he received an award from the James Beard Foundation for his series identifying and rating the "10 Best Food Cities in America" the previous year. Every Wednesday beginning at 11 a.m., I take questions, comments, rants and raves from Washington Post readers for an hour. Think of the late-morning food chat as an amuse bouche before you head out for lunch

Got an etiquette dilemma? Want to know where to celebrate a raise, how to register a complaint in a restaurant or where to eat in San Francisco or Paris or even Washington? Bring ‘em on! If you can, send your questions ahead of the Ask Tom chat; questions sent in advance give me more time to research them if I must. Here’s the LINK.

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