Indian restaurant Post Office centre

(THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED IN MORE THAN FOOD) Recently, the Indian government announced the launch of e-visa facilities for 43 countries. According to the reports, this facility will soon be extended to most of the other countries as well. This is going to make travelling to India really easy so it’s time to start planning…

Convergence of the water and the sky. This picture was taken while leisurely walking along the ocean in Mauritius.

Despite being an Indian who has spent almost all her life, until now, in India, there are still so many places that I have not been able to visit yet. I guess this must happen with most of us – with so much to see outside the country, we always leave our own country for…

Dear Telkom, You are South Africa’s foremost telecommunications provider. But despite this, your services remain deplorable. I cannot for the life of me fathom how in this day & age of competition, you choose to remain so laid back and do little in terms of customer service. A lot of this, I imagine, can be…

For this week’s challenge, here is what I think is angular. This is a picture taken years ago in Orchaa, a small town in Madhya Pradesh, India.

As promised, I am back with more yummylicious places in Norwood. In Part 1 of this series, I covered the Italian restaurant, Nonna Mia’s and the Schwarma Co., a quintessential Turkish eatery. Zahavas Just down the road from Schwarma Co., is another Mediterranean restaurant called Zahavas. This place has more Middle Eastern undertones and besides…

The Post Office Centre in Illovo is quite the foodie’s paradise. With old favourites like Assaggi and The Patisserie and new entrants such as Escondido (I reviewed it a few weeks ago), there is no dearth of eating places to choose from. Added to this list is the newly opened Indian restaurant – Ahara, which…

IPad restaurant POS reviews

Indian restaurant Post Office Centre Illovo

Trafalgar Square Post Office Sunday

Restaurant POS Systems Canada

Restaurant POS software price

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