Lightspeed POS port forwarding

Setting up Web Store >Using a custom domain for Web Store

Using a custom domain, also known as a vanity URL, lets you use your brand name as the URL for the majority of the Web Store, instead of the URL. Custom domains must be purchased from a third-party domain name registrar and are generally registered for multiple years at a time. Can I use my existing domain name?

If you already own a domain, you will need to ensure that you've created a new subdomain for use with Lightspeed Web Store. Bare domains such as are not compatible with CNAME redirects. You'll need to use a subdomain such as or you have an existing static content website tied to your domain name, you must create and use a new subdomain for your Web Store. Your existing site will not be affected by the redirect.

Most of the configuration to point your domain at your Lightspeed Web Store needs to be performed through the domain provider. As these steps can be slightly different depending on your provider, contact the support team of your domain provider for assistance.


  • The URL will appear on all secured pages (login, registration & checkout) when using a Custom Domain.
  • Do not use http:// prefixes for any of these steps.
  • You must do these steps for every subdomain you want to associate with your Web Store.
  • These settings can take up to 24 hours to propagate, though usually they'll only take a few minutes.
  • Bare domains (a domain without a subdomain) are not compatible with CNAME redirects.

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