Aloha POS jobs Dallas

Flexibility is the key ingredient that makes this work appealing. Point of sale, or POS, is not necessarily a 9 to 5 job, but it can be. It can also be a great, part-time or evening job. Of course, this job's flexible scheduling usually means being available for working some weekends. Some people use these positions as a stepping stone to other careers or until they complete their schooling. Others discover they are good at it and choose to make a career in the retail industry. There are many variations in this field as well as opportunities for advancement. POS jobs often lead to positions such as point of sale IT support, point if sale analyst or business analyst.

Point of Sale Education Requirements

There is no formal education requirement for entry-level POS positions. However, some employers prefer high school graduates. An associate or bachelor's degree will go a long way to gaining a competitive edge. Even without a degree, some form of on-the-job training is typically provided, and the duration and subject matter of this training will generally vary with the firm providing it. At any firm, however, good verbal communication and persuasive skills are necessities for potential point of sale professionals.

Point of Sale Job Market

A 10 percent growth in POS jobs is expected by 2022. However, general merchandisers and big-box retailers anticipate a job increase of approximately 28 percent by 2022. The field typically sees a large turnover of personnel.

Point of Sale Salary

Salary for POS jobs varies by industry. The median hourly wage ranges between $9.24 and $14.73 per hour depending on the employer. The yearly salary range overall for retail POS jobs is between $19, 000 and $42, 000 with an average salary of $30, 000.

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