Aloha POS guest check

Menu Buttons
Menu Item changes: How to get the most out of your data.

If you want to add a new menu item it’s best to start fresh and use a new button + ID / Item code/ PLU. Creating a new button will initiate a new menu item in the Swipely portal for which the you will receive data the following day.

Deleting a menu item will result in the item quickly losing relevance and then falling out of range of the selected date.

However, Let’s say that you’re tracking specials- and you’ve had to replace a side that you ran out of, but you want the tracking for this item to be continuous in the portal. All you need to do is update the old item on the same button and the data will be linked by sales, servers, and popularity,

Should you run out of a special and need to serve a new one, then you should 86 the menu item and create a new menu item with the new name. Do not reuse the button until the old item has cleared out of the portal.

How does Upserve handle modifiers.
Upserve does not include modifiers that do not have a cost associated with them.

Job Codes
What is the best way to set up a bartender to still get accurate reporting from server analytics.
Server intel pages do not take stations or job codes into consideration. The operator can also sort by server shift to isolate bartenders

POS Upgrades
What’s the best way to upgrade software?
Upgrading your POS software will not affect your Upserve integration. In some instances (as with cardholder names) the upgrade will allow the merchant to see more data. However, if the BOH computer is replaced, the software will have to be uninstalled before reinstalling. Should a merchant not uninstall, send an email to with a request to reset the “key” associated with the installation link.

Upgrading your BOH machine will require an clean install. (Uninstalling from old BOH machine and reinstalling on the new one)

Aloha POS - Printing

Aloha POS jobs Dallas

Aloha POS Reviews

Aloha POS Features

EFTPOS Westfield

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