Verifone VX 820 reboot

Verifone VX 820 DUET TerminalThe Verifone VX 820 DUET is the perfect combination - a stylish PIN Pad along with a functional base to create a feature-rich countertop device. The 3.5” colour touch screen sets this device apart, and provides an exceptional customer experience. It is incredibly easy to use and readable in any environment.Verifone’s VX 820 DUET provides ultra-fast processing, enormous amounts of memory to support multiple applications, plus powerful security in a sleek, consumer-facing countertop device.This device is NFC ready and will be able to provide the latest contactless Tap and Go technology. Built upon the VX evolution platform, the VX 820 DUET ensures reliability.Features
  • NFC & Contactless capable
  • Can connect to your POS via serial or Ethernet connection
  • Fast transaction processing
  • Available with either IP/broadband or dial-up communications
  • EOV functionality to ensure you can continue to transact in the case of a loss of connectivity or network

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