Verifone Tranz 330 programming err 0

  • Place your Tranz 330 terminal near the transaction terminal (CPU), and plug its power pack and telephone line into the back of the terminal. Plug the other end of the power pack into an available outlet and the other end of the telephone line into an available port on your RJ11 wall jack. (You can connect a phone line to the extra port at the rear of the Tranz 330 terminal.) A printer is optional, since most computers can print one in 8 1/2-by-11-inch format, but if you are attaching a VeriFone printer, do so now by plugging it into outlet power and connecting it via cable connector to the Tranz 330 connector.

    Install your Tranz 330 transaction software on your computer by loading your installation CD into your disc drive and double-clicking on the file after it appears. Follow the prompts to finish the installation on your desktop.

  • Download the programming needed to operate your new Tranz 330 card-reader terminal. If you have several terminals to program, you must set up a "master" terminal first, which will require the greatest load time. Subsequent terminals can be programmed more quickly from this master terminal.

    Press "FUNC/ENTER" on your master terminal keypad, then "*". Enter the password provided by VeriFone when you purchased the terminal or terminals. It should be Z66831 for Tranz 330 models. Press "FUNC/ENTER" after an asterisk appears for each digit of your password. The display should state "UNIT SEND, " indicating that your terminal is ready to use.

    If you only have one Tranz 330 terminal, proceed to Step 3. If you have more to program, press the "FUNC/ENTER" key on each subsequent terminal, then the "*". The display will show "UNIT RECEIVE." Enter your system password again and press "FUNC/ENTER". The master terminal should then display "UNIT SENDING" and the subsequent terminal should state "UNIT RECEIVING." After "SUCCESSFUL" appears on both displays, press the "CLEAR" button to enter both terminals into idle mode.

  • Slide a customer's credit or debit card through the Tranz 330's card reader, with the magnetic stripe to the right and facing down. The display will display "Processing", then "Transaction successful" or a variety of reasons for the card being declined. If the terminal beeps after swiping the card, you must slide it again. If it continues beeping, manually enter the card information, described in Step 4.
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