Verifone Services UK Ireland Limited

PLEASE REMOVE CARDThe chip could not be read when the card was inserted.Check that the card was inserted the correct way round and try again or try a different cardCARD ERRORThe magnetic strip could not be read when the card was swiped.Check that the card was swiped the correct way round and try again or try a different cardLINE BUSY, WAIT PLEASE WAIT, LINE BUSYThe terminal is not detecting a normal dial tone on the telephone line.NOTE: This will happen only if the terminal is attempting to connect via dialCheck that the telephone line is not in use by, for example a fax machine.Check that the supplied telephone cable is securely connected into the blue LINE socket underneath the terminal.Check that the supplied telephone cable is securely connected into the telephone wall socket. If the terminal still displays LINE BUSY, WAIT or


If you are using any telephone adaptors or extension cables, try removing them.

Check that the line is working by plugging a phone into the telephone wall socket and listening for a dial tone.

If problem persists, please contact the Helpdesk.

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