Verifone Nurit 8020 user Manual PDF

A chargeback is the process an issuing bank uses to handle a disputed transaction. Chargebacks can be initiated by the Cardholder or the bank itself. When a chargeback occurs the funds are withdrawn from the merchants account and returned to the bank.

When does a chargeback occur?

Some of the most common reasons for a chargeback are:

  • Failure by merchant to respond to a retrieval request for a legible or complete copy of a transaction receipt
  • The cardholder claims unauthorized use of a card
  • Dispute by the cardholder over the quality of goods or services
  • Failure by merchant to provide goods or services
  • The transaction receipt does not bear the cardholder’s signature
  • The transaction receipt refers to an expired card
  • The transaction receipt fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement or fails to comply with the card rules.

For more information on chargeback reasons and steps you can take to prevent them please visit

What should I do if I receive a chargeback?

Merchants may dispute a chargeback depending on the chargeback reason. The dispute, referred to as Presentment, must take place within a certain time frame. A request for proper documentation will be specified in the Chargeback Advice Letter.

The documents should be mailed to Chargeback Processing Center 515 Broadhollow Rd. Melville, NY 11747 or faxed to (516)962-7834. If you have any questions regarding Chargebacks please call Chargeback Processing Center at (800)999-8674 between 9am and 5pm EST

It is important to carefully track and manage your chargebacks and take steps to avoid future chargebacks.

How do I avoid chargebacks?

Chargebacks can be costly. Although it is difficult to eliminate them, you can minimize the occurrence by following these simple steps:

  • Obtain the cardholders signature and make sure it matches the signature on the back of the card.
  • Always obtain a valid authorization number. If needed call for a voice authorization at:
  • VISA/MC - (800) 944-1111
  • DISC - (800) 347-1111
  • AMEX - (800) 528-2121

and refuse a transaction if you receive a declined code

  • Attempt to resolve issues directly with the cardholder
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