VeriFone MX915 Manual PDF

USB cash drawers such as the APG Vasario connect directly to your Mac’s USB port. Go to File >Station Setup and select USB Drawer.Cash drawer connected through a Star receipt printerConnect the cash drawer to the receipt printer with the included RJ-45 to RJ-11 cable. Connect the receipt printer to your Mac with a USB.Go to File > Station Setup and select Connected via Star Printer.Cash drawer connected through a Star receipt printerOnSite 2.0–3.5.6 onlyTo configure the cash drawer to open when the receipt printer is activated, in any invoice click the Print button to open the Print dialog box. Choose your TSP printer from the first list. Select Printer Features from the bottom list and select Cash Drawer Control. Select Open Drawers 1 and 2, and leave the last selection at its default of 200 milliseconds. When you click the Print button, the printer opens the cash drawer. The cash drawer is connected by USB to the serial adapter.Install the adapter and its drivers, and connect the cash drawer’s serial cable to the adapter. If you need to open an access panel to connect the power supply to the drawer refer to the manufacturer’s documentation. Go to File > Station Setup, select Serial Drawer Connected via USB Adapter and leave the port at . You can test it by clicking Command ⌘ + /, the slash key to the left of the right Shift key.

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