Verifone annual revenue 2016

Verifone-Germany-UX-WorkshopThe unattended and vending market in Europe is growing. According to the European Vending Association, there are 3.77 million vending machines throughout Europe alone.

In Germany, the unattended and vending market continues to grow at a rapid pace and the demand for unattended payment solutions is a hot topic among industry executives.

With this demand for new technologies and practical innovations to support the unattended and vending market, Verifone invited vending machine integrators and network operators to attend a one day workshop in Germany to learn more about trends in the vending and unattended market in Germany and to hear from some of Verifone’s clients about how they have integrated Verifone UX solutions for their business.

Matthias Hönisch, Head of Cards at the federal association of German “Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken, ” (a local bank co-op) outlined consumers’ rising interest in cashless payment options, and he discussed his role as the current leader of the German banking association “Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft, ” and some of the upcoming activities banks will be enacting for contactless payment via a “girocard, ” aimed at providing new business opportunities.

Peter Ehrl from “Ernst Kühner Tabakwaren-Großhandlung, ” and a member of the board of the “Initiative GeldKarte e.V., ” a Germany-based initiative driving the adoption of chip-based money cards, emphasized that snacks and drinks sold via vending machines in Germany have an annual sales volume of 2.5 billion euros.

Peter Nicoleit, with Xerox Business Services, eagerly announced the rollout of more than 200 Verifone UX modules at RNV, a major regional railway transport network in southern Germany (featured on local television). Implementation support was very high on Xerox’s list of vendor needs. Verifone’s technical expertise was highly praised, and once again reinforces the option of using a test-host.

Stefan Trömer, Verifone sales managers, Torsten Ide, global product manager unattended, and Michael Trinks, head of sales, closed out the event by stressing the importance of the local and global introduction status of UX Solutions, along with soft- and hardware plans, and discussed actual challenges in the Self Service Market.

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