Ingenico revenue 2014

In the fourth quarter of 2014, revenue totaled €524 million, representing a 43% increase on a reported basis and included a positive foreign exchange impact of €1 million and a €95 million contribution from GlobalCollect. Total revenue included €356 million generated by the Payment Terminal business and €168 million generated by Payment Services.

Performance by business segment

On a comparable basis1, revenue was 21% above the Q4 2016 figure. The 20% growth achieved in Payment Terminals reflected stronger-than-expected global sales activity, particularly in the United States, Brazil and China, with increased traction of technologically advanced solutions such as EMV, NFC, mPOS mobile checkout. Growth in Payment Services was up 23%, driven by solid sales momentum in all segments, particularly in sales of acquiring solutions in Germany.

During Q4, GlobalCollect achieved a stronger 13% organic growth. With the company now connected to UnionPay International (a subsidiary of China UnionPay), its customers can reach out to Chinese consumers via their e-commerce website.
Including GlobalCollect’s contribution, Payment Services would have achieved organic growth of 18% and accounted for 32% of consolidated revenue, with 21% generated by e-payments (up 13 %).

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