Square POS scale

Currently you’re unable to fully integrate scales with the Square app to price items by weight. This is a popular feature request, so we’ll be sure to make an announcement if it becomes available.

In the meantime, the following options allow you to price items by weight:

  • Use a third-party scale and the Square app’s variable pricing feature.
    E.g. Pre-program the weights of your items in the scale and enter those prices during the time of sale using a variable priced item.
  • Use individual items as a specific measure of weight.
    E.g. Set a price of X for an item called “Tenth of Pounds”, and then if an item 3.2 pounds, enter a quantity of 32.

Square doesn’t integrate directly with third party scales at this time, but the CAS 2000 Jr. scale can be pre-programmed to record weight and price.

Square POS gift cards

Square POS YouTube

Square POS Blog

Square POS package

Square POS Stand

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