Restaurant Point of Sale systems using iPad

The top performers in our review are Revel SystemsSalesVu, the Silver Award winner; and Restaurant Manager, the Bronze Award winner. Here’s more on choosing a system to meet your needs, along with detail on how we arrived at our ranking of ten iPad restaurant systems.

iPad restaurant POS solutions offer some distinct advantages. If you are looking to upgrade or you're shopping for a new system, you'll find these tablet-based systems are just as capable, if not more capable, than a traditional PC-based system. They're mobile and can be connected by Wi-Fi and or used as a counter-attached terminal. The software is attractive, simple to use and always up to date. It can help you run your business better, process sales faster and run food orders more quickly. An introductory system is low-priced and upgrades can easily be added. Many restaurant staff use these systems with limited training, but training and implementation assistance is available if you need it.

POS solutions are suitable for many types of food establishments, from a single iPad on a food truck to a large full-service restaurant utilizing 20 connected iPads. Configurations are also available for creating bar POS systems.

When you're researching iPad POS systems, you'll want to consider the software features you require, the hardware you need and what your options are for credit card processing. In many cases, you can continue to use the payment processor you're already contracted with by simply connecting one of the terminals.

While you can use an iPad to conduct all your usual sales and management functions, with this type of POS system, you can access your account from other devices, Apple or Microsoft alike. So you can use a standard PC, Mac or laptop when you need to add inventory items or new vendors or update your menu. Many people worry about giving up a regular screen and keyboard and whether this is going to hinder efficiency, but, actually, you'd be surprised just how convenient these systems can be and how much they can add to your restaurant.

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