QuickBooks Point of Sale multiple store upgrade

Intuit's payroll service handles taxes and filings for you, while you easily pay employees yourself within QuickBooks®

Starting at $60/month

Let Intuit's payroll service help you manage your payroll, for less than the cost of ADP or Paychex.

Save time and don't worry about payroll taxes and filings, while still having the control of paying employees yourself-for less than the cost of outsourcers.

Get started easily with help from a payroll specialist

An Intuit payroll specialist is available to guide you step-by-step through the payroll setup process, if you need help.
When you are ready to run your first payroll, a payroll specialist is available to walk you through the steps, so you can be confident it's done right.

Have tax payments and filings done for you

Intuit handles your payroll taxes and filings for you.
Intuit "No Penalties" guarantee means your payroll taxes and filings are guaranteed accurate and on time. If a tax issue does come up, Intuit specialist will work with the tax agency to help resolve it for you.

Easily pay employees yourself

Easily pay employees in just a few clicks within QuickBooks®: print checks yourself or use convenient Direct Deposit (additional fees apply)

Seamless integration with QuickBooks...great for job costing

No double data entry - because you enter your employees' hours directly in QuickBooks®, all your payroll data is automatically integrated in QuickBooks®
Effortlessly track job costs and profitability by project.
All your payroll data is at your fingertips, so you can instantly understand labor costs and run reports anytime.
Easily access your federal and state payroll tax returns and W-2s online, anytime.

Get live phone support

Get free LIVE phone support from an Intuit payroll specialist so it's easy to call us if you need help.

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 User Guide

QuickBooks Point of Sale customer service

QuickBooks Point of Sale upgrade

QuickBooks Point of Sale Basic 2016 upgrade

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 multiple store Download

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