QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 Pro crack


Product Quality

Customer Support

Mr. Bill's Pipe and Tobacco Company has been in business in Las Vegas since 1980. While we cannot avoid having imitators, Mr. Bill's does not intend to have equals! We have used a couple of Point of Sale systems over the past 20 years. The software we were using before POS Prophet Systems (CREE) was all right on the front end but the inventory and reporting functions were horrible. We wanted a system that did not involve a large investment up front, one with good inventory control and an easy learning curve. After searching for almost 8 months and viewing 5 - 6 demos, and after many friendly follow-up calls by our POS Prophet Systems salesman, Bill Hickey, I finally found time to view the demo. WOW!! I was really impressed. We went ahead and signed the deal. The training that was provided was excellent and if we had a question, Bill responded immediately. Sean, one of the principals, got involved in our implementation to make sure it went smoothly.

The reporting is phenomenal, the inventory control easy to use, and the POS retail side was a snap to implement. POS Prophet Systems even converted all of our inventory data - all the other systems I looked at involved entering manually all of our more than 10, 000 inventory items. The Technical Support Team is tremendous - if you have an issue, they log onto your system and fix it or tell you how to solve the problem. We have asked for a couple of reports specific to our industry, and they have come through.

We now have real-time Sales Information and the staff can see, instantly, what inventory the other stores have, thus providing even better service to our customers. We can search the inventory data base via code numbers, names, even part of the code or name. The end of day reporting is simple and easy to use.

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