QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 license

My store went out of business and I sold the assets to another store. Intuit would not honor the licenses I purchased for transfer, so the POS terminals were useless to them. The new owner and I both spent several hours with forms, chats and phone calls. Their technical support is a nightmare, where virtually know one can speak English clearly enough to be understood, and where no one has enough authority to do anything. The salesperson I bought the software from at Intuit has just vanished, not responding to my emails.

I will no longer purchase any Intuit product based on how they've treated me. I recommend that others read the license and consider carefully before purchasing anything from them.

Here is the text they sent, after I insisted on getting something in writing:

"Thank you for choosing Intuit the maker of QuickBooks. We regret to inform you that your application for Transfer of Ownership of QuickBooks does not meet the criteria of the End User License Agreement, therefore it has been declined.

"You are not licensed or permitted under this Agreement to do any of the following:(a) modify, adapt, translate, rent or sublicense (including offering the Software to third parties on an applications service provider or time-sharing basis); (b) assign, loan, resell, transfer or distribute the Software, CDROM(s), or related materials or create derivative works based upon the Software or any part thereof; (c) network the Software, except that you may network your company data file as outlined in Section 1 (ii) above if you have purchased the multi-user license version; and (d) copy the Software in whole or part, except as expressly stated in (i), (ii), or (iii) above, or use trade secret information contained in the Software, to develop software to interface with the Software. You agree not to (and not to permit others to): (i) decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the Software, except as otherwise expressly permitted by applicable law; or (ii) remove, alter or obscure any confidentiality or proprietary rights notices (including copyright notices) of Intuit or its licensors on or within the Software or any copies of the Software. All license transfers are subject to written approval by Intuit and may be subject to a transfer fee determined by Intuit in its sole discretion. If your company is, or substantially all of its assets are, acquired by or merged into another company or sole proprietorship, please contact Intuit at

QuickBooks Point of Sale v10

QuickBooks Point of sales Order cost

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 User Guide

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 Pro level

QuickBooks Point of Sale 2014 price

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