QuickBooks free alternative for Mac

There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all accounting software since each one will aim to serve different purposes and different audiences, and that is also applicable for Mac users.

Between the cloud-based solutions you can find both paid and free options that run on Mac. Each one has its own strengths, so the best one for you will depend on what benefits you are after.

1- : If you are looking for a 100% free and easy-to-use option for small businesses, then SlickPie is for you. SlickPie runs fast and smooth on Mac. The app offers all the core accounting features such as online invoicing and billing, bank reconciliation, automatic payment reminders, sales tax management, and more. SlickPie also provides an exclusive built-in automated data entry tool called MagicBot for no zero cost.

2- : On the other hand, if your company needs a complex and technical program that is focused on serving bigger enterprises along with smaller ones, Xero would be an option. They only offer paid plans, but they do have a free trial available.

3- : If you already have tried Xero and still want another program to handle invoicing, then FreshBooks should be considered, though you get minimalist reports. They also offer paid plans and have a free trial available.

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