QuickBooks Enterprise scheduled backup

Why isn't the automatic backup feature (creation of qbb files) that's already in QuickBooks suitable enough for your purposes? You can set it to backup every time the program is closed. In QB 2009, the ability to create a backup in multi-user mode was added, and also the ability to send messages through chat to other logged in users, or to kick them out of QuickBooks. :-) Might be worth the upgrade.

Newer versions (7 and up) of QuickBooks Enterprise can run on Linux. Or see Intuit's note on running QB 2007 on a Linux server at enterprisesuite.intuit.com (click on the "technical" tab in the middle of the page under the video)

There is also now a SaaS add-on called SmartVault - one of their features is an automatic backup of the QuickBooks file to their online storage every time someone exits QuickBooks. It works with QB 2007. see

Also, copying the QBW file will not give you a full copy of everything that is used in QuickBooks. Best example is if they have imported a logo to be used on invoices or other forms, it will not be grabbed with the QBW file. See

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