Change QuickBooks update download location

The financial institutions directory (FiDir) in QuickBooks Desktop is updated automatically every time you send and receive transactions from the Bank Feeds Center.If you're experiencing problems connecting with your bank or have recently upgraded from a previous version of QuickBooks Desktop, updating the financial institutions list is a good troubleshooting step to ensure you have the latest updates for your financial institution. The FI list is different for each version of QuickBooks.Important: Before troubleshooting any online banking issues:

Detailed instructions

To update the QuickBooks Desktop financial institution list:Solution 2: Update the FiDir
  • From the Banking menu, click Bank Feeds > Bank Feeds Center.
  • If you have another financial institution set up for online bank feeds, click the icon in the upper right corner of the window to automatically update the financial institution list.
  • If you have another financial institution set up for online bank feeds, click the refresh icon in the upper right corner of the window to automatically update the financial institution list.
  • Solution 3: Manually update the FiDir for your version of QuickBooks
  • Locate and rename the fidir.txt file.
    Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista: C:\ProgramData\Intuit\QuickBooks XXXX\Components\OLB\branding\filist (XXXX= version of QuickBooks)
  • Right-click fidir.txt and select Rename.
  • Change .txt to .old, and then click outside the field to save the name change.
  • Right-click the link to your version of QuickBooks below to get the latest file. From the menu options, choose Save target as or Save link as.
  • Click the Save As window, select Desktop, then Save.
  • Right-click the fidir.txt file located on the Desktop and select Copy.
  • Right-click the Start button, select My Computer (or Computer) and browse to the location of the filist folder (from step 1 above).
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