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1.AccessBooks RealTime will dynamically replicate all QuickBooks data available through the qbXML API to an Access, SQL Server, or MySQL database. Changes made in QuickBooks are automatically replicated to the external database. This is an ideal tool for building custom reporting applications or web sites that enable customers and or vendors to access their account information. OEM Licenses are available.2.QLinker is an Add-on product for Alpha Five. It allows developers to quickly build applications which move data back and forth between QuickBooks and the Alpha Five Database for Windows.3.CoreObjX is a developer's tool that greatly simplifies integrating applications with QuickBooks. Implemented as an ActiveX DLL, CoreObjX provides an easy to use set of business objects that encapsulate the qbXML API. QuickBooks links can be built with up to 10 times fewer lines of code compared to using other interfaces. Integrated context sensitive help and code completion for development environments that support intelli-sense means CoreObjX code is easier to write too. Our optional database and network modules enable you to easily extract QuickBooks data to popular databases and run integrated applications without having QuickBooks installed on each PC. Visit our web site and find out how simple QuickBooks integration can be.4.DFM allows import and export of QuickBooks data through a friendly graphical user interface without having to write code. In other words DFM can extract data from QuickBooks and output to any other data format or load data in any format into QuickBooks data file. It has full support for query filters, custom fields and data extensions.5.The eBay Application Programming Interface enables you to create a wide variety...

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