Costco Intuit payroll

*Savings is up to 20% off Intuit's standard monthly subscription fees. Costco Member Pricing is only available to current Costco Executive Members. Costco Business or Gold Star Members may contact Costco at (800) 220-6000 to upgrade their membership.

** Costco Executive Members are eligible to receive a $50 Costco Cash Card after paying for Intuit Full Service Payroll for three months; the Cash Card will be mailed within 6-8 weeks following the third billed month and will be sent to the contact name at the business filing address on the account. This limited time offer is valid for new Intuit Full Service Payroll subscribers only and cannot be combined with other offers. Terms, conditions, pricing, features, service and support are subject to change without notice.

**Costco Executive Members will receive the first 12 months of Intuit Online Time Tracking free, starting from your signup date. After your promotional period is over, your account will be automatically charged the standard monthly rate of $3.00/per employee/per month each month unless you cancel. This fee is in addition to the monthly Intuit Online Payroll service fee and is charged for each employee who is set up to use Time Tracking, whether or not the employee has logged any hours. You may cancel Intuit Online Time Tracking at any time by calling 1-866-458-5745

1. After the 30-day free trial period, you will receive a 1st-year introductory offer which is 20% off the Costco Member Price for the first 12 months, or until you cancel. Thereafter, you will automatically be charged at the then-current Costco Member Price, until you cancel. You will be charged $2.00 a month (Intuit Online Payroll Enhanced and Intuit Full Service Payroll) for each employee you pay. Pricing includes one state. If you file taxes in more than one state, each additional state is $12/month. Sales tax is charged where applicable. Check stock sold separately. To cancel Intuit Online Payroll Enhanced, call 1-866-458-5745. To cancel Intuit Full Service Payroll call 1-888-712-9702. This limited time offer is valid for new Intuit Payroll subscribers only and cannot be combined with other offers. All offers require a valid Costco Executive Membership to receive the special pricing and must be maintained for continued eligibility. If Costco Executive Membership is cancelled or downgraded, standard Intuit pricing will apply.

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