TPE Ingenico alert irruption

A common problem with a GPRS credit card terminal is the connection with a venue or location. Please use the following steps to ensure the card terminal is displaying the correct information on screen before attempting to use the device.
  • Please ensure the card machine displays GPRS on the screen.
  • Ensure network bars are displayed on the screen and check the amount of bars available (5 being extremely good).
  • Most importantly, ensure the card terminal displays a network (Orange, EE, T-Mobile, O2, Vodafone or Datasim). If the network is not displayed the card machine will NOT connect.

‘Alert Irruption’ means the terminal can longer be used to accept transactions. Within the innards of the card device, sits an anti-tamper proof device, if the card terminal feels it is being tampered with or if the terminal suffers a hard impact, the anti-tamper proof device will trigger and shut the terminal down.

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