Measles virus or bacteria

MNT Knowledge CenterRubella is an infection caused by the rubella virus; it can cause severe harm to the unborn child. The number of rubella cases has fallen dramatically, thanks to vaccination programs, but the battle against this infection is not yet won. The symptoms of rubella (also known as German measles) are often so mild that more than half of people with the infection do not even notice that they have contracted it.1 However, rubella contracted during early pregnancy can cause substantial negative outcomes for the unborn child. This is known as congenital rubella syndrome. Rubella is a preventable disease; the vaccine is often given in conjunction with measles and mumps (MMR vaccine). Before the vaccine was widely available, the US would see widespread outbreaks every 6-9 years. In Europe, outbreaks would occur every 3-5 years. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Americas officially free of rubella transmission on 29 April 2015, the current rate of vaccination is only around 80%. Because the disease can arrive with overseas travelers, it is essential to maintain a high rate of immunization. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of rubella. Contents of this article: Fast facts on rubella Here are some key points about rubella. More detail and supporting information is in the main article.
  • "Rubella" is Latin for "little red"
  • Rubella is viral and predominantly transmitted by coughs
  • The rubella virus can pass across the placenta and affect the fetus
  • Roughly half of rubella cases present very few symptoms
  • The predominant symptom of rubella is a rash, but other symptoms include a runny nose, headache and fever
  • Rubella in pregnant women can cause congenital rubella syndrome in the unborn child
  • Diagnosis can be made by testing blood or saliva samples
  • There are no medications that shorten the rubella infection
  • The rubella vaccination is the only way to prevent the disease.

Mumps caused by virus or bacteria

Rubeola virus or bacteria

German measles virus or bacteria

Difteria e virus ou bacteria

Rubeola e virus ou bacteria

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