Ingenico QR code

With the world’s largest in-store acceptance network, Ingenico Smart Terminals have led the payment terminal industry for 30 years. We operate the widest and most deployed range of terminals combining the most advanced technologies (NFC, QR code, biometrics…) with the latest security requirements (EMV, PCI DSS) whatever the local regulation, business sector or payment situation (in-store, mobile, unattended…).

Ingenico Payment Services provides merchants with a wide range of payment services. Our expertises – centralized transaction management, transaction processing and loyalty services – allow our clients to easily and efficiently manage their financial transactions.

Ingenico ePayments is the global reference in payment solutions dedicated to online and mobile commerce. With advanced data analytics, fraud management solutions, more than 150 payment methods available and cross-border commerce expertise, Ingenico ePayments helps merchants to optimize and grow their business.

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