Ingenico OnGuard P2PE

Market demand for point-to-point-encryption drives 10x adoption of On-Guard in 2015

At the annual NRF Conference & EXPO, Retail’s BIG Show, in New York City, Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR - ING), global leader in seamless payment, announced that three out of four PCI-validated point-to-point-encryption (P2PE) offerings available in the US are powered by its On-Guard P2PE solution. In 2015, adoption of Ingenico Group’s On-Guard grew by 10x as US merchants upgraded their systems for EMV and concurrently implemented additional security measures to help fortify their payment acceptance infrastructures.

In a P2PE environment, sensitive card data is encrypted at the point of entry and remains protected until decrypted at a secure end point so that it’s never exposed to retailer internal systems or legible to cybercriminals. P2PE solutions like Ingenico Group’s On-Guard can help merchants reduce their PCI DSS scope, decrease their vulnerability to cybercriminal attacks, and protect their brand reputation.

As the demand for P2PE solutions accelerated in 2015, several leading payment solution providers selected Ingenico Group’s On-Guard technology and obtained PCI P2PE validation for their end-to-end payment solutions, including Bluefin Payment Systems, CardConnect LLC, and FreedomPay Inc. These On-Guard-based solutions now represent 75 percent of the PCI-validated P2PE solutions in the US. Additionally, several leading gateways and processors anticipate offering the On-Guard powered solutions to their retail clients in 2016. Through these various channels, On-Guard is now fueling the protection of card data within retail environments across all merchant tiers – from small businesses to national retailers.

Industry experts, including analyst firms such as Gartner, recommend that merchants upgrade their security infrastructure to incorporate P2PE as they upgrade their point of sale systems for EMV and NFC acceptance.

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