Ingenico North America

Another holiday season is upon us, and trends are pointing to a huge sales opportunity for retailers. According to an article in Bloomberg, retail sales were higher than forecast ed in October and marked the largest growth since 2014. The National Retail Federation (NRF) is also forecasting that holiday sales will increase this year.Read MoreWe’re now in the post-EMV liability shift era, and this is the “real” start of EMV implementations in the U.S. Considering the size and complexity of payment systems right now, I think the U.S. is doing pretty well. Small and medium-sized merchants are still taking longer to migrate but are on the right track. However, the restaurant industry seems to be rampant with misinformation and myths regarding the future of payments. One such topic is tipping in full-service restaurants. Let’s take a look:Read MoreA few years ago, there was considerable buzz in the retail industry about the enormous potential of mobile point of sale (mPOS) and its ability to transform the in-store customer experience. With online competitors driving new consumer expectations and shopping behavior, this was seen as a key strategy in blunting the competition and giving brick and mortar merchants an upper hand.Read MoreMobile wallets may be great for consumers, but for U.S. retailers, trying to decide if and when they’d like to accept different wallets can drive them crazy. There are simply way too many options and with the growing number of mobile wallet apps in the market, it’s becoming more complicated for retailers to support them all.Read MoreAt Money20/20, Ingenico Group showcased its most innovative payment solutions, empowering in-store, online and mobile commerce, and revealed the winner of Money20/20 hackathon. Here are the best moments of the event!Read More

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