Ingenico ePayments Brussels


  • Join Ingenico e-Payments as one of the fastest growing industry across the global (e-Commerce). Ingenico e-Payments is part of the Ingenico Group, a rock solid brand and a stock listed company.

  • Step into the ring and contribute to train and develop our talents in one of the most complex industries there is!

  • Get the opportunity and freedom in your job to develop & execute your own training & development strategies with the single objective to develop our talents! Whatever it is, you are welcomed to be challenged on your ideas!

  • Become a member of an international, young, dynamic, ambitious, passionate and fun HR-team (we ‘re 7 strong)!


To provide a full learning & development support function to Ingenico ePayments. Working closely together with the HR Director, the Learning & Development Manager (located in Amsterdam) and the HR Business Partners, you will assist in and drive building, implementing and maintaining new and existing, local and global training programs, both conventional as well as through digital portals;
Your main responsibilities are:

  • Defining content with stakeholders

  • Defining training necessity, goals and desired outcome

  • Planning and organizing training

  • Giving hands-on support during new and existing trainings projects

  • Delivering training to employees where possible

  • Supporting (training) administration

  • Managing training budget

  • Managing the request for training subsidies (CEVORA)

Your deliverables/tasks

  • Yearly proposal regarding learning and development agenda / planning / budget

  • Identify opportunities where learning and development would be more effective when collectively rolled out locally or globally

  • Organize regular training and induction events

  • Design, propose and, where appropriate, deliver training programs to support organizational development

Ingenico EMV kernel

Ingenico Brussels

Ingenico ePayments wiki

Ingenico Payment Terminals

Ingenico Payment Services

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