Ingenico EFTPOS Logon requirements

PP Init Required

Press the far left purple key until you see "PP INIT" on the screen, press the function key next to it, wait for the terminal to display "Accepted" on screen, then press the green Enter button.

Man Logon Required

Press the far left purple key (on the VX 520 colour) or down arrow once, select Logon (F1), terminal will process and then display 'Accepted' on screen, press the green Enter button and your Logon receipt will print.

Load Params Required

Press the menu button, scroll through the menu until you see 'Load Parameters', select 'Load Parameters'. The terminal will process and display 'Accepted on screen, press the green Enter button and your Logon receipt will print. If you do not receive an 'Accepted' message please see Transmission Error Troubleshooting.

Transmission Error (IP)

  1. Logon to attempt replication of the error. (See above)
  2. Reboot the terminal by turning it off and on.
  3. Is the internet working? If the internet is not working the terminal is not able to communicate with the payment network.
  4. Is there a broadband cable plugged into the 10baseT/ETH port? Please check all cables are in the correct place.
  5. Optional: Reboot the router. Please note: this will stop other devices using the internet during this time
  6. Swap the IP cable if possible.
  7. Try a different port on the router.

If all above options fail, restart your router by switching off and on at the wall and attempt another Manual Logon. If you continue to receive a transmission error please call 0800 EFTPOS (0800 338 767), option 2 for Technical Support.

Transmission Error (Dial up)

  1. Logon to attempt replication of the error (See above)
  2. Reboot the terminal by turning it off and on
  3. Check the phone line is plugged into the back of the terminal
  4. Check the phone line is plugged into the wall jack. If the line is shared with another device please remove the other device and try again.
  5. Check that the line the terminal is using is live. The only way to do this is to unplug the phone line from the terminal and check you have a dial tone when connected to a phone.
  6. Try a different phone line cable, or wall jack port.
  7. Line filters can affect the terminal please try connecting the terminal without the filter in place.

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