Westpac daily payment limit

Yes, you can add a new biller or payee via Make a Payment or Transfer Funds.You can also delete payees from your payee list when they’re no longer required. A maximum of 1, 000 payees are allowed and once you reach this you won’t be able to create additional payees until some are deleted.You can’t delete The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and payees that have an active recurring payment.You can also amend or delete a payee or biller via the Payee list.If you’re registered for Westpac Protect™ SMS Code and are making a payment to a new restricted BPAY biller, you’ll need to enter in an SMS Code to confirm your payment. This SMS Code will be sent to your mobile automatically.To add a new biller or payee go to Payments >

Westpac daily transfer limit

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EFTPOS payment limit

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