NAB EFTPOS Machine helpline

You can bank with NAB at any Australia Post outlet that displays the Bank@PostTM sign.

All you need is a NAB Card and PIN linked to a NAB account. Services include:

  • Personal customers can deposit cash up to $3, 000 per day.
  • Business customers can deposit cash up to $3, 000 per day at selected outlets with a barcoded deposit book.
  • Deposit cheques of any amount.
  • Make withdrawals* including EFTPOS, cash withdrawals and cash advances up to $1, 000 per day.
  • Check your account balances.
  • Receive receipts for all transactions.

*Transactions at Australia Post outlets will incur the same fees as over-the-counter transactions carried out at NAB branches. While withdrawals and deposits at Australia Post outlets will require the use of a card and PIN, the transaction will be treated as a branch withdrawal and may incur a fee. Fees and charges are detailed in NAB's Guide to Fees and Charges.

EFTPOS Machine cost

EFTPOS machines cost NZ

EFTPOS machine options

NAB EFTPOS Machine Rolls

ANZ EFTPOS machines Helpline

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