Commonwealth Bank EFTPOS terminal down

*You can only open an account in 10 minutes or less if you’re a new customer or existing customer who is either a sole trader or a director of a private company (Pty Ltd). Once we’ve identified you and checked your business details with ASIC successfully, you’ll see your account immediately in NetBank.

If you have another director and/ or any shareholders who own 25% or more of your company’s shares directly, or through other shareholdings, we’ll need to verify them as well. Your account will be created in NetBank, and you’ll be able to put money into it but you won’t be able to withdraw or transfer out of it until we’ve confirmed the identity of the other directors and/or shareholders of your company.

If you already have an existing business account with us and need an additional business account, you’ll be contacted by our support centre within two working days of receiving your application.

If you’re unable to be identified online, not a sole trader, or a director of a private company (Pty Ltd), we’ll sort it out for you in branch or for more information give us a call on 13 1998 at any time.

**Excludes non-Commonwealth Bank ATMs here and all ATMs overseas, EFTPOS transactions overseas, transfer group payments to third parties, international money transfers, CommBiz and NetBank service fees and separate services such as bank cheques, periodic payments and transfers/deposits to other banks. Wholesale relationship managed customers may be notified at any time that their account is subject to transaction fees on electronic transactions and Commonwealth ATM cash withdrawals.

***Limit of one, up to $500 without a card withdrawal per day. CommBank app, NetBank, NetCode and account access required. Full conditions on app.

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Commonwealth Bank EFTPOS News

Commonwealth Bank EFTPOS terminal fees

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