Restaurant cash register POS software

Here’s a simple solution for all restaurant and bar owners who want to boost their bottom lines by:
  1. Cutting down on cash register mishaps
  2. Shrinking training time without sacrificing on customer service
  3. More accurately track inventory and every other restaurant-related figure in real-time
  4. Speeding up the ordering process while increasing its accuracy
  5. Chopping down on cash register errors
  6. Automatically collecting proof of the rouge employees you suspect of stealing cash
The Restaurant Manager point of sale system is a turn-key software restaurant cash register solution that in seconds solves half-a-dozen issues every restaurateur and bar owner struggles with. It is the result of two decades of work and iterations, based on feedback from across the globe of restaurant owners, managers, bartenders, waiters, and waitresses.BNG Holdings, Inc’s sister company, sells this solution you can find more about by clicking on, we can confidently say it brings in more revenue through saving time and cutting down on human mistakes.The automation streamlines the hand-offs of information and guards against the little slip ups that costs dining establishments money.Here are other key benefits Restaurant Manager POS cash register system serves up:
  • Prices on specials automatically adjust the second the special expires, so staff does not have to be watching the clock to make sure the person is charged correctly.
  • If you unfortunately end up with a bartender who makes it a habit to skim a little off the top, BNG’s video recording system will record his or her actions and overlay the buttons pressed when entering an order. A client of BNG Technologies estimated it saved his company $36, 000/year which paid for his Restaurant Manager POS system instantly.
  • Tabs can be started with merely an on-screen tap of BarTabs, so no drinks go unaccounted for. The credit card can be preauthorized, so your staff is not greeted with an unpleasant surprise at the end of the evening. Cover charges and drink minimums can be tacked on as well through the cash register system.
  • You can receive alerts every time your very important customers pass key spending thresholds.
  • A menu of alerts is available via text message or e-mail, so you know exactly when someone is working overtime.
  • As the staff waits on customers, alerts and reminders can pop up for them as well, such as the current specials.
  • Apple iPods with software allow the server to send orders electronically while at the table. She or he can continue speaking with customers while the chef or bartender receives the printed order and gets to work filling it.

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