QuickBooks Pro POS 2014

Xero cloud accounting software

If you’ve been in the small business game for a while, chances are you have experienced some of the joys that only accounting and bookkeeping can bring:

There’s that burgeoning sense of dread as you approach tax season; the hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize that some key paperwork is missing; or just the daily headache of cash drawer reconciliation.

Most small business owners will admit, the number-crunching side of the business is just not the fun side. But (and there’s always a but), we all know how vital it is to keep this side of your affairs in good working order.

Enter QuickBooks. Or should I say: enter the accounting software of your choice. There are, after all, a range of providers available, including Xero, Sage 50, Wave, and more.Freshbooks cloud-based accounting software But the reality is that Quickbooks holds a pretty dominant position in the small business accounting software world – with over 85% market share by one count.

How have they reached this level of dominance? Well, they entered the space early and grew a huge user base – and they became a go-to convenience for accountants looking to make managing their small business clients that much easier. As a result, Quickbooks is now recommended by over 75% of the accountants in America.Sage Accounting Software So, whether you’re looking to do your own books or work with a local accountant, the odds are that the good people at Intuit are going to get your business.

We love Quickbooks here at ShopKeep, and our point of sale system even allows you to integrate directly with their accounting software via our partnership with Retail Intel. But there are alternatives, and as small business owner, it’s important to consider all of your options before making a software decision.

We’ve made a quick rundown of some of the options. Let’s start with the main competitor, QuickBooks.


Probably the most mature of the available software providers, Quickbooks has multiple offerings and a range of add-ons and integrations that can augment the core functionality of the system. Their product line can get a little confusing but they’ve recently streamlined what’s available, so you can really focus on one of three offerings: QuickBooks Online ($12.95 per month), QuickBooks Pro 2014 ($249.95 per year), QuickBooks Premiere 2014 ($399.95 per year).

QuickBooks demo 2015

QuickBooks with POS

QuickBooks POS Pro 10

QuickBooks Pro POS 2016

QuickBooks Pro POS demo

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