QuickBooks POS Basic to Pro upgrade

How Many Employees Do You Have?

While QuickBooks makes flexible software that can work with a range of businesses, different QuickBooks POS versions have some features that are only useful for businesses of a certain size. For instance, both Pro and Multi-Store include features to track employee hours. If you work alone, you have no use for that. However, even one or two employees can make the upgrade from Basic worthwhile. QuickBooks POS Pro and Multi-Store track not only employee hours, but also sales commissions, simplifying your job and ensuring a fair pay day for everyone. That pay day is made simpler by QuickBooks POS Pro and Multi-Store, because the programs can send employee time cards directly to your financial software.

Do You Need Help Tracking Vendors, Work Orders, and Shipments?

QuickBooks POS Pro and Multi-Store allow you to handle more work as they are designed for larger businesses. They can handle multiple vendors and help you keep track of your supplies. These programs also help manage work orders, and track shipments. Pro and Multi-Store allow you to follow specific UPC codes and serial numbers. The same is true of outbound shipments. With Pro and Multi-Store, you can ship and track packages directly through your POS software, giving you the information you need to update customers about orders. The same software also allows you to track layaways.

A very small business wouldn’t need many of these tools, however. While they would be excellent milestones for expansion, QuickBooks refuses to make customers pay for software that isn’t needed. Additionally, POS Basic allows you to manage all of your point of sale tasks without the bells and whistles of POS Pro and Multi-Store.

QuickBooks Point of Sale upgrade

QuickBooks POS VS Microsoft RMS

QuickBooks POS Pro VS basic

QuickBooks POS practice mode

QuickBooks POS Basic 2016 Manual

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