Harbortouch Fax number

GENERAL INFORMATIONWhat is a batch?A group of approved credit card transactions usually accumulated during one business day. This is also referred to as a settlement.How often should I batch my terminal?Your terminal must be batched on a daily basis to avoid higher processing costs. You may contact out Technical Support teams at 800-201-0461 option 2 or: for your POS System inquiries. for your credit card terminal inquiries. What is a declined transaction?This indicates that the issuer does not approve the transaction. Please do not continue with the transaction or attempt to force through/run again. Instead, request an alternative method of payment.What is a fraudulent transaction?The cardholder is claiming that they were not in possession of the card at the time of sale and that they did not authorize or participate in the transaction. The merchant must supply proof that the transaction occurred, was authorized, and that the cardholder had knowledge of the sale, etc. (Refer to “Merchant Action Necessary” portion of Chargeback documentation).What is an authorization code?An authorization code is the response code direct from the issuing bank returned to the merchant at the time of authorization/sale. This code is usually a 6 or 7 digit number and is recorded either by the point of sale terminal or software, as well as printed on any receipt or sales draft.If doing a phone or voice authorization, the merchant should record the authorization code for reference. The code serves as proof of authorization.How long will it take to receive my money from my credit card payments?All payments are transferred within 24/48 business hours from the day the terminal is batched.How do I change my Bank Account information with Harbortouch?In order to change your bank account information, a Bank Change form must be filled out and submitted along with a copy of the voided check to our account maintenance team. Contact Customer Service to obtain the required documentation.How do I change my business address, phone number or business name on my account?

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