Breadcrumb restaurant POS reviews

PROS / You can set up the reporting system to automatically email reports to you.

CONS / It lacks automated-marketing and social media tools.

VERDICT / Breadcrumb is a basic POS system for restaurants owners who want to easily process orders and settle checks, but it lacks several back-of-house features needed for a truly comprehensive system.

Breadcrumb by Groupon is a point-of-sale system for restaurants that's well-suited for full- and counter-service restaurants, nightclubs and bars, and it can be used to manage multiple locations. It gives you the option of working with several other payment processors.

This restaurant management software has a sleek interface, and its server tools and order processing features are user friendly. It's easy to enter orders, split and merge tickets, and move items from one ticket to another. It has a cash manager and allows you to accept gift cards and coupons, including Groupon coupons. You can include a suggested tip calculator at the bottom of your receipts, and if desired, you can give your customers the option of receiving a printed receipt or having it emailed to them. It doesn't import emails collected for this purpose into its customer management database; you have to request the information again and enter it separately. Like the best restaurant POS systems, it manages tabs, tracks tips and has an offline mode that allows you to continue accepting payments if you lose your internet connection.

Its back-of-house features include remote access, which means you can log in to the back-office dashboard anywhere you are as long as you have internet access. You can run a variety of financial and labor reports, and it allows you to export the data to accounting and payroll programs. Although it tracks your employees' hours, it doesn't help you create or manage employee scheduling unless you use a third-party app. Its food-inventory management is basic and doesn't allow you to track by ingredient or account for inventory waste. It also doesn't help you manage your vendors.

You can collect customer information and enter customer notes, but this restaurant POS software doesn't help you use the information by managing loyalty programs, providing automated marketing tools or integrating with social media – which are features that the best restaurant POS systems provide.

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