Aloha POS system training

Image of Aloha POS system terminalAloha POS system terminal

The Texas School of Bartenders has partnered with one of the most used Point Of Sale (POS) systems in the market today – the Aloha system. The Aloha POS system is the main computer program used a majority of bars, restaurants and hotels, and is now installed in the classrooms of Texas School of Bartenders for you to learn!

By mastering this system you will hit the job market with skills your competition does not have, giving YOU the advantage! When sitting in an interview with other candidates that can all make a mean cocktail, knowing the POS system could likely land you the job you're looking for.

The Aloha POS system enables restaurants and bars to automate their operations, measure performance, manage for better results and market to consumers. Its all about increasing operational efficiencies and profits - so knowing how to use this system before you apply for a bartending job is a huge plus.

Aloha POS Software Price

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