QuickBooks POS 2016 product number

Product informationMerchant Services
QuickBooks is used only as the entry point to the Merchant Services (IMS) server, so there is no version or release. Point of Sale
Choose Help > About Point of Sale. The product edition and version appear in the Product line at the top of the Product Information window. QuickBooks for Mac
Choose Help > Product Information. Version and release information appear. For example, if it shows Product: QuickBooks Pro 2015 for Mac R3, the version is 2015 and the release is R3. QuickBooks Pro, Premier, or Enterprise SolutionsThe product edition and version appear in the title bar, at the top of the product window.Press F2 to open the Product Information window. Version, edition, and release appear at the top of the window, on the Product line.If you cannot open QuickBooks to find the Product InformationPress and hold the CTRL key, and then double-click the QuickBooks icon on your desktop. Continue pressing the CTRL key until you see the No Company Open window, then release the CTRL key.If QuickBooks still does not open:
  1. Right-click the QuickBooks icon on your desktop, and click Properties.
  2. Click Find Target and right click QBW32.EXE.
  3. Click Properties and click the General tab. The Location line shows the year of your QuickBooks version.
  4. Click the Version tab and under Item name, click File Version. To the right, under Value, the last release update to your copy of QuickBooks appears. For example: 21.0D R5. The number 21 refers to QuickBooks 2011 (20 would refer to 2010 and so on). The R5 refers to release 5.

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