QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 product key

Sales by Customer Summary
Shows total sales for each customer so you can see which ones generate the most revenue for you.

Sales by Product/Service Summary
Summarizes sales for each item on your Product/Service List. Includes quantity, amount, % of sales, and average price.

Income by Customer Summary
Shows your income minus expenses (net income) for each customer.

Transaction List by Customer
Groups transactions by customer name, so you can see all activity related to each customer.

Estimates by Customer
Lists your estimates by customer, and indicates whether estimates were accepted and invoiced.

Unbilled Charges
Lists customer charges (transactions) that you have not yet invoiced.

Sales by Customer Detail
Lists the individual sales transactions for each customer, including dates, types, amounts, and totals.

Sales by Product/Service Detail
Lists sales for each item on your Product/Service List. Includes the date, transaction type, quantity, rate, amount, and total.

Customer Contact List
This report lists each customer’s phone number, email and billing address, and other contact information.

Time Activities by Customer Detail
Lists the products/services (time activities) your employees provided to each customer.

Unbilled Time
Lists products/services (time activities) provided by your employees that have not yet been billed.

Deposit Detail

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QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 product number

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