Intuit QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 review

PROS / Intuit's POS software will integrate well with businesses already using QuickBooks.

CONS / QuickBooks Point of Sale Basic software is missing several features that most companies need.

VERDICT / This software is great for small businesses that don't need the pro version additions.

Editor’s Note: This product has been removed from our side-by-side comparison because it has been replaced by another product. You can still read our original review below, but Top Ten Reviews is no longer updating this product’s information.

QuickBooks Point of Sale

Intuit has taken their QuickBooks software and made an adaptation for POS systems. The software QuickBooks Point of Sale is one of the best available software applications that allows you to track sales, customers and inventory easily and quickly. This software has two versions Basic and Pro. This review is based on the Basic version, but we will point out some of the upgrade's features. The Pro version includes nearly every feature you could ask for in POS system software, but many of them are not necessary for small businesses. That is why Intuit designed the Basic edition. This is a software-only point-of-sale solution.

A checkout is where a sales transaction occurs and a selling process is overseen. A checkout system creates and prints vouchers, tracks inventory and must be reliable and efficient. The latest QuickBooks Point of Sale software offers features that are leaps and bounds ahead of earlier versions of the software.

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