Intuit QuickBooks Point of Sale 2016 Download

Note:If you were unable to make a backup, restore the qbpos.db file located in the data folder pasted in your desktop.

    Open QuickBooks Point of Sale for Desktop, create a new company file with the name you want to use, and restore the backup created.After the file is restored and you have verified it is the right set of data, verify you can close and reopen Point of Sale without errors, connect with other POS machines, and connect with QuickBooks Desktop(if applicable).Register QuickBooks Point of Sale for Desktop again.

    Important: POS and QuickBooks Desktop share some licensing files. Make sure you can still open QuickBooks Desktop and register if prompted.

    If you like to remove the data folder from the desktop, move it to another folder such as Public Documents or Shared Documents but do not delete it.

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