QuickBooks POS 2016 mobile

AnalyticsSmall businesses nationwide rely on Intuit QuickBooks to run their businesses. Featuring accounting and finance management tools, Quickbooks is a cost-efficient solution to help business owners track sales and expenses, create invoices and even complete payroll.

According to a survey of QuickBooks users, favorite features include:

  • Online access anytime, anywhere (82%)
  • Automatic backup of data (42%)
  • Expense tracking (41%)
  • Sales and income tracking (40%)
  • Seamless invoice creation, personalization and delivery (39%).

With QuickBooks now available through the cloud and across multiple devices, forward-thinking businesses will begin to consider the benefits of integrating the solution with mobile POS.

A mobile POS solution that can export financial summaries into business applications like QuickBooks simplifies the accounting process, making pertinent financial data easily accessible. This also decreases the likelihood of human error if the data is entered manually.

Combining powerful mobile POS solutions with QuickBooks, small businesses will be able to:

  • Track total sales, so they know whether weekly, monthly or annual sales goals are met.
  • See a breakdown of consumer spending patterns, which helps managers and business owners identify which products and services resonate with customers.
  • Identify which customers are spending more and why. MPOS solutions enable businesses to create comprehensive profiles about all customers, including their buying behaviors. Exporting this data creates a clearer picture of which consumers are spending, how often and what they’re buying.
  • Tie marketing campaigns to sales. Businesses can implement a variety of offers and campaigns to drive sales and foot traffic. However, it’s sometimes difficult to identify which tactics have an impact on the bottom line. QuickBooks and mPOS can work together to close that information gap, offering detailed insights into which campaigns positively influence business results.
  • Comb through spending on inventory and other necessary items, so managers and business owners can make better decisions.

QuickBooks POS VS Microsoft RMS

Intuit QuickBooks POS 2016 download

QuickBooks POS 2016 product number

QuickBooks Pro POS demo

QuickBooks Online mobile POS

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