Category: Uncategorized

  • Betri heimasíða í vinnslu

    Heimasíðan er í breytingarferli og ætlunin er að gera hana einfaldari, flottari og betri.  Ætlunin er að breyta útlitinu, jafnframt munu koma inn fleiri myndir og vídeó m.a. með brot úr fyrirlestrum til að gera síðuna skemmtilegri og meira lifandi.  Vonandi koma svo fleiri jákvæðar breytingar í kjölfarið.  Alls hafa 106.000 gestir heimsótt síðuna…

  • What explains the unbelievable success of Icelandic football?

    My presentation given as invited speaker at the Norwegian Cup final seminar, November 20th 2015.    The unbelievable success of Icelandic football explained.  Tell me what you think…  

  • The curious case of Jonathan Glenn – A lesson in talent development

    As head coach of IBV in the men´s top league in Iceland this season I decided to sign a striker from Trinidad and Tobago in February this year. His name was Jonathan Glenn, he was 26 years old and had been playing in the lower leagues (PDL and NPSL who are considered 4th tier )…

  • 3 amazing facts on player development in Icelandic football

    As I wrote in my last post “Iceland best in the world in developing football players?” Iceland has only 325.000 people, only 20.000 football players and yet manage to outperform more than 150 bigger countries on the FIFA ranking list! If Iceland was a US city it would rank 58th in population among US cities…

  • Iceland best in the world in developing football players?

    Iceland is ranked 28th among the best football nations in the world in the most recent FIFA ranking. Iceland has a population of only 325.000 people (ranks nr 181 in the world in total population) and has only 20.000 players. Yet Iceland has footballers playing in all the major top leagues (England, Spain, Italy etc.)…